Home » Portfolio » Education Portfolio » Case Study St James Primary
Purpose: In December 2019, AJ Grant were engaged to complete the relocation of two existing demountable building from St Aloysius Primary School, Chisholm to St James Primary School, Kotara.
“We had a fantastic experience with AJ Grant as you can see…”Lucy Harvey – Principal
ChallengesThe school (excluding school holidays) and out of hours school care remained in occupation and operation with the Staging of the sequences to the Works.Due to a limited time frame on design & planning of the project, throughout there were a variety of additional works required to facilitate completion to meet relevant BCA’s. This included but was not limited to additional structural requirements and the necessity to meet BAL 29 requirements, stormwater connection and electrical works. Additional re-turfing and relocation of AC units. Additional balustrade and cola requirements as well as termite management system installation.
ScopeThe scope of works included, but was not limited to:An existing demountable building was relocated from St Aloysius Primary School, Chisholm and installed at St James Primary School, Kotara. Works also included a new timber deck and interconnection Covered Outdoor Learning Area to create a functional space between the buildings to extend the classrooms outside. All works to the building and outdoor spaces were completed to Bushfire Attack Level 29 as specified by the client.
AJ Grant were responsible to locate all services within works area including, Optical fiber link, electricity, gas, water, irrigation, and stormwater and disconnect. Scrape back existing turfed areas within work areas. AJ Grant cleared a section of bushland and created a new landscaped area as an extension to the existing playgrounds. During the process of connecting the classrooms to services AJ Grant rejuvenated existing play areas with new retaining walls and soft fall to gym equipment areas. Retaining existing paved surface adjacent to the playground. All existing surface levels were to meet new surface levels at the same grade. The classrooms incorporated disabled access into the design to allow use by all children.All disturbed areas were re-turfed and made good on completion of works.
The End Result Through attention to detail and involvement in the change of design AJ Grant brought together three older style demountable classroom and created a functional creative learning space which all the children at the school can use and enjoy. The buildings and their surrounding landscapes fit perfectly into the schools grounds and show the quality and craftsmanship delivered by AJ Grant.